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Kimberly Knight

Don't let history get in the way of your storm windows

Velv-A-Lume Storm Windows


Historical renovations entail a lot of time, research, many resources, records, and ultimately patience during frustrating moments. In most cases, home and building owners who want to renovate their historical properties face stringent guidelines and limitations under local regulations and historical registries.


West Windows offers an incredible solution to bring greater efficiency and protection into the home or building without altering the integrity of the existing window. West’s historical storm window, called Velv-a-Lume™, has become very popular in many places across the US with remodels of buildings, lofts, warehouses, and the like. This storm window allows the architectural integrity to stay in place yet offers a more comfortable environment for the residents or occupants. The storm window fits within the historic window opening and often is not visually noticeable. The storm window is an expander-style window, which means that it can fit even into openings that are not perfectly square or lined up. This storm window is an excellent performer for energy savings and overall greater comfort.


This historical storm window is a major benefit in historic settings where changes otherwise are nearly impossible to realize. The window is equally useful in residential as in commercial settings.


For more information about this product, check out Also, for questions about this product in your home or building, you may contact us at 703-256-0600 or



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